Arrays |
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Arrays are ordered collections of data of one type. Each data item is called an element, and is accessed by its position (index) in the array. They are very useful for storing lists of data, such as customers, or lines of text. There are a number of types of array, and array may be single or multidimensional (lists of lists in effect).
Constant arrays:
It is probably easiest to introduce arrays that are used to hold fixed, unchangeable information. These can be defined in two kinds of ways:
Defining an array size using enumerations:
Below, we define an enumeration, then a subrange of this enumeration, and define two arrays using these.
Array operations
Array operations were added to the Smart Pascal syntax to better adapt to JavaScript. Since JavaScript has no concept of pointers or direct memory access, all attempts at dealing with lists, linked lists etc. in the traditional way would cause a massive speed penalty. So where you under Delphi or Free Pascal would allocate a TList or TObjectList instance - Smart Pascal achieves better performance and identical functionality using ordinary arrays. All arrays support a complete set of operations, regardless of datatype, for inserting, removing, sorting and otherwise manipulate the content.
Smart Pascal have this functionality "built-in" for all arrays, as long as the datatypes match. When you combine this with property expressions, the result is a powerful and alternative way of achieving the same with less resources and more speed than generics or traditional Object Pascal.
In addition to Low, High, Length and Count, SmartMS also support the following pseudo-methods:
Using Arrays with StrSplit and StrJoin functions in SmartMS
See more at Array object JS reference.
Array Iterations using
SmartMS supports the statement for in do to loop on elements of an array in a sequence, for instance.
Examples using for in do in SmartMS
Array Types:
Arrays come in two varieties: static arrays where the length of the array is known during the compilation and dynamic arrays which can be resized during the program execution.
Static Arrays require the size to be defined as part of the array definition. They are called static because their size is static, and because they use static memory. Defining static arrays in SmartMS
How do I create a multidimensional array in SmartMS?
Multidimensional array 11x11 in SmartMS Model 1 - using new
Multidimensional array 11x11 in SmartMS Model 2 - using SetLength
Multidimensional array 11x11 in SmartMS Model 3 - using auxiliar array
Bi-dimensional array in SmartMS
Dynamic arrays are supported as reference types. They are declared without bounds. Their lower bound is always zero.
Dynamic arrays can be initialized from inline or constant static arrays.
Initialize dynamic arrays in SmartMS
Declaring Arrays
First thing you have to do is define an array and then create it.
Create an object Array
Next step is create an object array (you instantiate with the keyword new). SmartMS supports dynamic arrays in the form of objects (which in reality maps directly to JavaScript arrays). You allocate dynamic arrays using the classical "new" keyword, as such: Declaring and instantiate an array in SmartMS example 1
Declaring and instantiate an array in SmartMS example 2
Passing Dynamic Arrays by Reference in SmartMS
Passing Dynamic Arrays by Reference in SmartMS
Using the prefix var to return a different dynamic array The var keyword still makes sense if you want to return a different array. Using the prefix var to return a different dynamic array
Passing array as reference in SmartMS
Single Dimensional arrays in SmartMS
So far, we have only seen lists - single dimensional arrays. Set the capacity of a array to 3 elements in SmartMS
Multidimensional arrays in SmartMS
SmartMS supports arrays of any numbers of dimensions. In reality, a multidimensional array is a collection of arrays - each element of the first array is another array. each element of that array is in turn another array and so on.
Dynamic arrays do not have their size defined in their declaration.
Multidimensional Arrays
In Delphi, we could have defined the array 4 rows per 5 colluns with one SetLength statement: SetLength(multiArray, 4, 5);
In SmartMs, we have to define the size of our multidimensional array in pieces (sized subarrays). Take a look at this code:
Copying an Array
When copying single dimension arrays, we can use the Copy(startIndex : Integer; count: Integer) method. It allows us to copy all or part of one array to another, as in this example:
Copy part of one Array in SmartMS
Array of Records
Let's step into another dimension and create an array of records which allows you to store multiple records which can be returned to a calling form. Place the following declaration into the interface section of a form.
Arrays of Records example in SmartMS example 1
Arrays of Records example in SmartMS example 2
New X Copy()
Dynamic arrays in SmartMS are pure reference types and they behave a bit like a TList<T> would in Delphi, as SetLength() is a method, which modifies the array, rather than a global procedure, which can create a new copy of the array (as in Delphi), ie. in SmartMS, if you have:
Dynamic array instance using New in SmartMS
Copy method
The Copy() method creates a new dynamic array containing count items from startIndex, if count isn't specified, copies to the end of the array.
Using Copy to create a new dynamic array in SmartMS
IndexOf method
The indexOf() method searches the array for the specified item, and returns its position. The search will start at the specified position, or at the beginning if no start position is specified, and end the search at the end of the array. Returns -1 if the item is not found. If the item is present more than once, the indexOf method returns the position of the first occurence. Note: The first item has position 0, the second item has position 1, and so on.
Pop method The pop() method removes the last element of an array, and returns that element. Note: This method changes the length of an array. Tip: To just return the last item, use the peek() method.
Push method The push() method adds new items to the end of an array, and returns the new length. Note: The new item(s) will be added at the end of the array. Note: This method changes the length of the array.
Insert method The Insert() method insert an item at the specified index. Using Insert to add one item at specific index to an array in SmartMS
Peek method The Peek() method returns the last item.
Swap method The swap() method swaps to items of specified indexes.
Reverse method The Reverse() method reverses the order of the items.
Join method The Join() method joins the elements of an array into a string, and returns the string.
Delete method The Delete() method deletes the item at the specified index and reduces Length by count (default one). Using Delete to erase an item in SmartMS
Sort method The sort order can be either alphabetic or numeric, and either ascending or descending.Default sort order is alphabetic and ascending. Using Sort in arrays in ascending/descending order in SmartMS
Map method The Map method creates a new array by mapping elements of the array according to a map function. The map function takes a single parameter of the type of the array items and returns the mapped value. The following code takes an array of numbers and creates a new array containing the square roots / squares of the numbers in the first array.