External | class | procedure

External | class | procedure
Smart pascal source code
type TAClass = class external procedure Hello; end; type TBClass = class external 'hello' procedure Hello; external 'world'; end; {$IFDEF JS_CODEGEN} asm function Dummy(p) { WriteLn('Fake: Unhandled call to external symbol "Dummy" from [line: 25, column: 4]') } end; {$ENDIF} function Dummy(param: Integer): String; external; function Dummy2(param: Integer): String; external 'byebye'; { main.pas } Begin try Dummy(12); except on E: Exception do WriteLn(E.Message); end; { <<< CONSOLE OUTPUTS >>> ReferenceError, Dummy is not defined } // Unhandled call to external symbol "Dummy" from [line: 25, column: 4]