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TW3TagObj = class(TObject)


At the top of the control hierarchy is the TW3TagObj class. This is merely a TObject descendant that publishes a TagValue field. In this field programmer can store any integer value.


Public Methods:

    property InnerHTML: String read getInnerHTML write setInnerHTML;
    property InnerText: String read getInnerText write setInnerText;
    property ObjectReady: Boolean read FObjReady;
    property Owner: THandle read FOwner;
    property TagId: String read FTagId write FTagId;
    property Handle: THandle read FHandle;
    property Attached: Boolean read getAttached;
    property Updating: Boolean read getUpdating;
    procedure BeginUpdate;
    procedure EndUpdate; virtual;
    procedure InsertInto(const OwnerHandle: THandle);
    procedure RemoveFrom;


  property TagValue: Integer;


TW3Component = class(TW3TagObj)


Next in hierarchy is the TW3Component. This class describes a non-visual control (a.k.a. a component ). It contains a public Parent property which holds the reference to the control’s parent and a published Name property where you can set the name for the control. This name is used to access control’s properties and methods from the code.


Public Methods:

    function  ChildByName(const compName: String): TW3Component;
    function  ChildByHandle(const aHandle: THandle): TW3Component;
    procedure EnumChildren(childProc: procedure (child: TW3Component));
    function TopLevelParent : TW3Component;



    property Parent: TW3Component read FParent;
    property Name: String read FName write setName;


• ChildByName

Locates a child component by its name.


• ChildByHandle

Locates a child component by the handle.


• EnumChildren

Calls a worker procedure (passed as a parameter) for each child component.


• TopLevelParent

Returns the top parent control (parent of a parent of a …).