Replaces a part of one string with another StrUtils unit
 function AnsiReplaceStr ( const HayStack, Needle, NewNeedle : string ) : string;
The AnsiReplaceStr function replaces all occurences of the Needle string in the Haystack string with a NewNeedle string.
It is a Case sensitive command.
Related commands
Copy Create a copy of part of a string or an array
Insert Insert a string into another string
Move Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination
StringReplace Replace one or more substrings found within a string
StuffString Replaces a part of one string with another
Example code : A simple example
  haystack : AnsiString;
  haystack := 'The big cat sat on the big mat';
  ShowMessage(haystack);   // Display the haystack at the start

  // Note that AnsiReplaceStr is case sensitive
  haystack := AnsiReplaceStr(haystack, 'BIG', 'LITTLE');
  ShowMessage(haystack);   // Display the haystack now

  haystack := AnsiReplaceStr(haystack, 'big', 'little');
  ShowMessage(haystack);   // Display the haystack now
Show full unit code
   The big cat sat on the big mat
   The big cat sat on the big mat
   The little cat sat on the little mat