Defines a typed or untyped file
1   var UntypedFile : File;
2   var TypedFile : File of some type;
The File keyword is used to define a variable as a binary file, normally as written to and read from a storage device.
Version 1
Gives a base untyped file. Such a file can only be read from and written to using BlockRead and BlockWrite. The basic data type is a byte.
AssignFile must be used to get a file handle.
Reset or ReWrite must then be used to open the file for read and/or write access. These specify the number of bytes that comprise one 'record' as seen by the BlockRead and BlockWrite routines.
Version 2
Defines the file with a base data type. For example, a simple type such as a char or a complex type such as a Record.
AssignFile must be used to get a file handle.
Reset or ReWrite must then be used to open the file for read and/or write access. Read and Write must be used to access the file.
In all cases, the type must be of fixed size, and access to the file must be in units of that type.
When using Records, make sure that they are Packed to prevent alignment problems.
Related commands
Append Open a text file to allow appending of text to the end
AssignFile Assigns a file handle to a binary or text file
CloseFile Closes an open file
Reset Open a text file for reading, or binary file for read/write
ReWrite Open a text or binary file for write access
TextFile Declares a file type for storing lines of text
Example code : Read and write access to an untyped binary file
  myFile    : File;
  byteArray : array[1..8] of byte;
  oneByte   : byte;
  i, count  : Integer;

  // Try to open the Test.byt file for writing to
  AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.byt');
  ReWrite(myFile, 4);   // Define a single 'record' as 4 bytes

  // Fill out the data array
  for i := 1 to 8 do
    byteArray[i] := i;

  // Write the data array to the file
  BlockWrite(myFile, byteArray, 2);   // Write 2 'records' of 4 bytes

  // Close the file

  // Reopen the file for reading
  Reset(myFile, 1);   // Now we define one record as 1 byte

  // Display the file contents
  while not Eof(myFile) do
    BlockRead(myFile, oneByte, 1);   // Read and display one byte at a time

  // Close the file for the last time

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Example code : Writing to a typed binary file
  myWord, myWord1, myWord2 : Word;
  myFile : File of Word;

  // Try to open the Test.bin binary file for writing to
  AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.cus');

  // Write a couple of lines of Word data to the file
  myWord1 := 234;
  myWord2 := 567;
  Write(myFile, myWord1, myWord2);

  // Close the file

  // Reopen the file in read only mode

  // Display the file contents
  while not Eof(myFile) do
    Read(myFile, myWord);

  // Close the file for the last time

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