Boolean or or bitwise or of two arguments
1   Boolean expression or Boolean expression
2   Integer expression or Integer expression
The Or keyword is used in two different ways:
1. To perform a logical or boolean 'or' of two logical values. If either are true, then the result is true, otherwise it is false.
2. To perform a mathematical 'or' of two integers. The result is a bitwise 'or' of the two numbers. For example:
10110001 Or 01100110 = 11110111
If the boolean expression is calculated (as opposed to being a Boolean variable), then brackets are required to isolate it.
Related commands
And Boolean and or bitwise and of two arguments
Not Boolean Not or bitwise not of one arguments
Xor Boolean Xor or bitwise Xor of two arguments
Example code : Illustrate both types of or usage
  num1, num2, num3 : Integer;
  letter           : Char;

  num1   := $25;    // Binary value : 0010 0101   $25
  num2   := $32;    // Binary value : 0011 0010   $32
                    // Or'ed value  : 0011 0111 = $37
  letter := 'G';

  // And used to return a Boolean value
  if (num1 > 0) Or (letter = 'G')
  then ShowMessage('At least one value is true')
  else ShowMessage('Both values are false');

  // And used to perform a mathematical OR operation
  num3 := num1 Or num2;

  // Display the result
  ShowMessageFmt('$25 or $32 = $%x',[num3]);
Show full unit code
   At least one value is true
   $25 or $32 = $37