Reposition the Random number generator next value System unit
 procedure Randomize ;
The Randomize procedure is used in conjunction with the Random function. It repositions the random number generator in its sequence of 232 pseudo random numbers.
Randomize uses the time of day as the seed for this repositioning, so should provide a reliable method of creating an unpredictable sequence of numbers, even if they are a part of a predetermined sequence.
Related commands
Random Generate a random floating point or integer number
RandomRange Generate a random integer number within a supplied range
RandSeed Reposition the Random number generator next value
Example code : Run this code twice to see the effect of Randomize
  int   : Integer;
  i     : Integer;

  // If you run this program twice, only the first 5 values
  // will be guaranteed to be the same each time - randomize
  // repositions into a different part of the pseudo sequence
  // of random numbers.

  // Get an integer random number in the range 1..100
  ShowMessage('Fixed first 5 random numbers');
  for i := 1 to 5 do
    int := 1 + Random(100);    // The 100 value gives a range 0..99
    ShowMessage('int = '+IntToStr(int));

  // Now randomize to reposition

  // Get an integer random number in the range 1..100
  ShowMessage('Random next 5 numbers');
  for i := 1 to 5 do
    int := 1 + Random(100);    // The 100 value gives a range 0..99
    ShowMessage('int = '+IntToStr(int));
Show full unit code
   Fixed first 5 random numbers
   int = 1
   int = 4
   int = 87
   int = 21
   int = 28
   Random next 5 numbers
   int = 35
   int = 74
   int = 45
   int = 50
   int = 31