Convert a number string into a currency value SysUtils unit
1  function StrToCurr ( CurrencyString : string ) : Currency;
2  function StrToCurr ( CurrencyString : string; const FormatSettings : TFormatSettings ) : Currency;
The StrToCurr function converts a number string, CurrString such as '123.456' into a Currency value.
It supports integer, floating point, and scientific (exponent) formats.
If a decimal point appears in CurrString, then it must match the current DecimalSeparator value.
Version 2 of this function is for use within threads. You furnish the FormatSettings record before invoking the call. It takes a local copy of global formatting variables that make the routine thread safe.
The EConvertError exception is thrown if there are errors in CurrString, such as trailing blanks or invalid decimal characters.
Related commands
Currency A floating point type with 4 decimals used for financial values
CurrToStr Convert a currency value to a string
CurrToStrF Convert a currency value to a string with formatting
Format Rich formatting of numbers and text into a string
TFormatSettings A record for holding locale values for thread-safe functions
Example code : Converting a scientific format number string
  stringValue : string;
  currValue   : Currency;

  // Set up the source string containing a number representation
  stringValue := '123.456E+002';

  // Convert it to a floating point number
  currValue  := StrToCurr(stringValue);

  // And display the value
  ShowMessage(stringValue+' = '+CurrToStr(currValue));
Show full unit code
   123.456E+002 = 12345.6
Example code : Catching string conversion errors
  A : Currency;

  // We will catch conversion errors
    A := StrToCurr('10 E 2');    // Middle blanks are not supported
    on Exception : EConvertError do

    A := StrToCurr('$FF');    // Hexadecimal values are not supported
    on Exception : EConvertError do
Show full unit code
   '10 E 2' is not a valid floating point value
   '$FF' is not a valid floating point value