Add line feeds into a string to simulate word wrap SysUtils unit
1  function WrapText ( const SourceString {, MaxColumnSize : Integer = 45} ) : string;
2  function WrapText ( const SourceString, BreakString : string; BreakSet : TSysCharSet; MaxColumnSize : Integer ) : string;
The WrapText function effectively splits a line of text SourceString into multiple lines in the returned string.
In actual fact, it simply inserts line breaks into the returned string, so that a display of the string would show as multiple lines.
Version 1
Is the simplest version, allowing a default line break substring (#13#10 - Carriage return + line feed) to be inserted after each set of words fitting MaxColumnSize characters is encountered in the source string. If the max column size is omitted, it defaults to 45.
Version 2
Allows the inserted line break characters BreakString to be inserted after the occurence of a character in the BreakSet is encountered before MaxColumnSize is reached.
If none found BreakString is inserted anyway.
In both cases, words are preserved - never split across lines.
Related commands
Concat Concatenates one or more strings into one string
Copy Create a copy of part of a string or an array
Delete Delete a section of characters from a string
Insert Insert a string into another string
Move Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination
StringOfChar Creates a string with one character repeated many times
StringReplace Replace one or more substrings found within a string
Example code : Illustrate the simple version
  before, after : string;

  // Set up a long string
  before := 'This is quite a long string, at least 50 chars long';

  // Split it into multiple lines, each 10 characters long
  after := WrapText(before, 10);

  // Show the before and after strings
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   This is quite a long string, at least 50 chars long
   This is
   quite a
   at least
   50 chars
Example code : Wrap on a special control letter
  before, after : string;

  // Set up a long string
  before := 'Ten = 10. Eleven = 11. One hundred = 100.';

  // Split it into multiple lines, terminated by a dot
  after := WrapText(before, #13#10, ['.'], 1);

  // Show the before and after strings
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   Ten = 10. Eleven = 11. One hundred = 100.
   Ten = 10.
   Eleven = 11.
   One hundred = 100.